If you are ever lost on where to go for a session, here a few suggestions. There are so many cool and amazing locations around Lancaster county, but here are a few. Check the following locations out and lets chat on what would work best for you. Each is linked with their official sites, many times they do not show the true beauty of the location.
This is going to be an ongoing blog post, as I become more aware of locations I will add 🙂
Amos Herr Homestead – a great location! Just a little warning there is an amazing playground that is within eye sight and you have to walk right by it. However, this location has two barns that are white and the large barn has a stone half wall. The house has a great porch and also there is green (or brown depending on the season) area. I have only photographed here in the fall and I wasn’t a big fan of the sun hitting directly on the porch which I wanted to use and it was in direct light, I am sure it would be great in the morning hours or overcast day.
Brubaker Park – A favorite location of families in the fall. The easy walking paths to the pond create a backdrop that can look almost fake due to its beauty. With a rural setting and an option for an indoor bathroom it is a great location for families, especially in the fall. There is a playground (again) but can easily be kept to the end. I love all the options that the walking paths offer and then there is the lake, one of my favorites every fall!
Ephrata Township Park – a great location close to home. Depending on the direction you want to go, there is an amazing white gazebo, walking paths. But my favorite is the wooded area with a pond. There is also a field that you can be used to get a more rural look. Bonus, there is an indoor bathroom, but once again be aware that there is a playground.
Flower Field – Located near Lititz, this option is available in late spring, early summer. Just be prepared to be overwhelmed by other families and photographers, but don’t let that stop you. Depending on the season the wildflower are amazing and the sun sets perfectly behind the field. There is also the option to use the vines that add to any gallery.
Grater Park, Ephrata – Another location that offers so many different looks. Situated along the Cocalico creek there are beautiful green areas, with the cool old buildings of EPAC along with Eichmann Center. However, as you make your way along the creek especially by the softball field be a little weary of the bees that like the sand and of course it being a park there is a playground.
Grings Mill – In Berks county, but not far from the 222 exit. This location like so many others have so many options. A really cool bridge over the Schuylkill River, a house, barn that gives great texture. However, there are so many really cool green areas that give the opportunity for a lot of backgrounds – pines, trees or just grass.
Lancaster Central Market – Wow, the options here are just amazing. But be aware that the Market is open on Saturday mornings. Within a block walking there are the brick walkways around the market, the fountain at the corner of King and Queen Streets in Lancaster along with a great brick area (I think it is called Binn’s park) that has a water feature in warm weather (the Press Room could be using) and amazing large lights that are so fun. If you are looking for an urban area this where I would go, with the old school feel there are just so many amazing options!
Lancaster Amtrak Station – Cold weather, rain or just wanting a different location. The train station has some amazing old features with a really cool clock, amazing wooden benches and even a christmas tree during the season. You can even go out onto the platform that can offer some fun and different backdrops.
Lancaster Convention Center – the old Watt & Shand building in downtown Lancaster. What a cool turn of the century building with even a little history of the underground railroad. This is a hotel so there are lots of people in the lobby but it is a great location if you are looking for somewhere inside with a lot of neat textures. Just be aware that the carpet is awful! There are options that you can avoid adding the carpet to the image but just something to be aware of but a great location!
Lancaster County Park – just like the county, this park is diverse and options are endless. Depending on where you go in the park, there are split rail fence, open fields, the seven senses park, the winding Conestoga River, a covered bridge and so many options. A great location, just make sure that we know where to meet. Also, just an FYI Rockford Mansion is not part of the option unless you want to pay the $75 access to the building.
Lititz Springs Park – this is one of the locations in Lancaster county that it never fails that I will see at least two other photographers when I am there. Not that there isn’t enough room or it is an issue, it is just that awesome! There is a beautiful white gazebo, a babbling stream with ducks, an amazing stone wall, a fountain, the brick building of the old Wilbur factory, the ability to use the railroad tracks (but be careful) and just the awesome feel of downtown Lititz. If you haven’t checked it out, it is a must see. But please be warned that there are playgrounds and the ability to feed ducks that can distract little ones!
Long’s Park – Right off of Rt 30 and close to the city but one of my favorite places to photograph. The split rail fence gives little ones something to hold onto or a family to gather. Trees, (in the fall amazing leaf piles and usually enough coverage that mid-day photography is a can do), an amazing pond with ducks and water features, open areas. And all around great location and easily accessible
Middle Creek – Another one of my favorites. The lake gives a backdrop that almost looks unreal. I love the tall trees and the unkept fields, especially with the fall colors. Even if you are not looking for a location to take photos, this place is great for a hike and a chance to get back to nature
Milton Hershey School (couldn’t find a good link) – near the observatory there is a wonderful park that gives lots of options on the campus of Milton Hershey School. There are bridges, creeks, gazebo, and pergola, a really cool setting. An area that has primarily pine trees, another great option that gives lots of different backdrops. But with how far away it is, I need to make sure that we have time to meet.
Mount Gretna Lake – not always the easiest location to get to but the natural beauty of this place makes my heart do little pitter patters. Along the lake there are canoes as the geese swim and I get to make funny faces at your kids to smile. There is just such natural beauty along the lake and then across the street there are more options for green areas. Every year I find myself here and it never disappoints
Nolde Forrest – just inside Berks county. I just love this location. At the saw mill parking area there are plenty of green backgrounds with trails and a creek that are all easily accessible without having to hike through the woods. At the education center, there is the mansion. With the stone building as a backdrop, I just love it. Just a warning the road to the mansion is not always open, it is only a 10 minute (ish) walk to the top but you can get a ticket if you park at the bottom.
Overlook Park – Families love this location because it is so close to so many things on Frutiville Pike. There is the Stoner house that has an amazing porch that can give protection from the sun. The Stoner Grill frequently has the area professional landscaped with some amazing colors. Across the street is a small area that has a hidden bench and an unkept field, allowing for several different options.
Pool Forge – another staple especially if you are in eastern Lancaster County. This is an amazing property that the sun hits perfectly both with morning and evening light. An amazing house that has a porch, patio and makes an amazing backdrop, a lot of green space with a creek and even a covered bridge.
Reading Museum – Such a great location right outside of Reading, the walking paths are amazing! I love the old school lights. The red walking bridges are fun and there is a great stone bridge. Further down the walking path there is Japanese garden that has a stone wall and some amazing landscaping. With the open green space and a few amazing buildings, it is a great option