So I have wrestled with the name of my business for a while and several people have asked where it comes from and why I choose it. Why not some amazing name that demonstrates what I do, I have seen those names and I am always jealous… forever faithful, glimpse in time, sweetpea photography, plum perfect, the list could go on and on. And to be honest, I tried coming up with something but for each name as I rolled it around in my head it just didn’t convey what I wanted.
And then that faithful day I started taking on client that I didn’t know, and I realized that I needed to get insurance coverage and open up banking accounts and deal with it all and try to make a business. So I went with my initials… kind of. I couldn’t let out the “W” it is from the man and family that has made me the sassy, fun-loving, hard-working, stubborn woman I am today. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
I thought that we were going to lose the man that has been my inspiration to better myself. I can’t always say that I did everything for intrinsic reasons, there are a few (or many) times that I did things just to prove him wrong. As I was driving home from Target I gave him a quick call and I heard that awful word… CANCER! Within weeks I was sitting in the ICU, but that stubborn man who rolls his eyes when introducing me as his “liberal daughter” pulled through. And now, a year after that phone call he is still here, never telling me how proud he is but beams when talking with anyone else. So to say that W means a lot, seems so trivial, but it is the foundation of who I am so I couldn’t leave it behind.
As for portraits rather than photography. To be honest, I love people… or at least the people watching. I have loved history and the stories from the past my entire life. Really, who can’t laugh at the stories of Henry VIII or George III (yes, I am a nerd, a history nerd to be specific) So when I pick up a camera I don’t want to take pretty photograph of a landscape, I want to see all the personality and love that makes up the people who I get to take pictures of. People… the ones who love us, the ones who challenge us, the ones who you can only shake your head at, they are the ones that I wanted to photograph and love, and possibly love to hate. The people around us make us who we are and I wouldn’t want to change that for anything.
So to understand why I do what I do, there is never a simple answer but to understand just a glimpse of what makes me, me. Here you go, and if I get the honor to be part of your special day, or enjoy the fun of interacting with your family. Know that my heart is true and I do this because I really love it.